New York City Children's Theater

Did an interview with the lovely people over at New York City Children's Theater this week about the upcoming stage show of This is Sadie. You can read it here. I'm planning a visit to NYC for opening week and so looking forward to seeing the show.

I managed to sneak in a plug for my book with Jacob Grant, Owls Are Good at Keeping Secrets, which is out next month. I think of it as the book that Sadie wrote.

I've been thinking about what a wild ride it has been since This is Sadie was published. One of the nicer things to happen was the fabulous notice the book received from Maria Russo in The New York Times

Reading this review for the first time was one of those rare moments when you can feel your life changing. So grateful to Julie Morstad and Tara Walker for making this book with me and to Jackie Kaiser for encouraging it into being.


Caroline Woodward said…
What an absolutely lovely account of your life changing because of your immense talent and your talented collaborators as well, Sarah! Truly inspiring. Many congratulations. Your hard work and focus has paid off. Wow, amazing eh?! Mazel Tov, Cheers, Yayyy! Caroline
Sara O'Leary said…
Thanks, Caroline. My feeling is that is has been more to do with luck than anything! Although, I certainly have been lucky enough to work with some wonderful people. Nice to hear from you, Take care, S.

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