When When You Were Small Was Small
Is it possible that When You Were Small was published a decade ago? Sometimes it feels like it was just last week. Sometimes it feels like it was a century ago.
When You Were Small is being released in paperback soon and is available for pre-order now.
Here are a few places you can find the book. I'll be adding in more and if you have suggestions please feel free to comment. I'm always happy to learn about independent booksellers that are new to me.
Indigo Indiebound Amazon.com Amazon.ca Amazon.uk WH Smith Powell's Barnes & Noble
In the time since the book was published some very lovely things have happened. It has won a few prizes and gone a few places. It still makes me happy to think of the time the Mexican Ministry of Education printed 60,000 copies to give away to primary students. There have been two more Henry books since that first one and I've got a site that rounds up reviews and such if anyone's interested.
Part of the success of this book (and its fellows) is due to the brilliant book designer, Robin Mitchell Cranfield who came up with such a beautiful, stripped-down, timeless aesthetic for the book. I couldn't love it any more than I do.
My great hope is to go on making books with Julie Morstad. There are many, many reasons for this but the best one, for me, is that we find the same things funny. And in that vein, is this wonderful photo I came across on Instagram a little while ago. It was posted by Summer Hall of Appyreading and she's given me permission to share it here.
Part of the success of this book (and its fellows) is due to the brilliant book designer, Robin Mitchell Cranfield who came up with such a beautiful, stripped-down, timeless aesthetic for the book. I couldn't love it any more than I do.
photo: Summer Hall/Appyreading |
My great hope is to go on making books with Julie Morstad. There are many, many reasons for this but the best one, for me, is that we find the same things funny. And in that vein, is this wonderful photo I came across on Instagram a little while ago. It was posted by Summer Hall of Appyreading and she's given me permission to share it here.
When You Were Small is being released in paperback soon and is available for pre-order now.
Here are a few places you can find the book. I'll be adding in more and if you have suggestions please feel free to comment. I'm always happy to learn about independent booksellers that are new to me.
Indigo Indiebound Amazon.com Amazon.ca Amazon.uk WH Smith Powell's Barnes & Noble