A Graphic Review
My seven-year-old son Euan grabbed Jellaby by Kean Soo as soon as it came into the house. He read it straight through. Twice. Euan isn't what I would call a reluctant reader, but given the choice often prefers to go off and write a book of his own.
I asked him if he would review Jellaby for me and found what you see here on my desk. Which is perhaps the perfect way to review a graphic novel.
If you like your reviews to have more -- oh, I don't know, words perhaps - then check out what the fabulous Betsy Bird has to say over at Fuse #8.
If you want to know more about the book or its author, you could check out this essay by Kean Soo over at DRAWN! in which he discusses what music he listens to while he works.
Oh, and I suspect that just one of the things the boy liked about the titular hero of Jellaby is that they share a Godzilla fixation.

I will do my own review of the book once I work out where Euanzilla has hidden it. Meantime, there are more treats in store here.