Celebrating You Are Two

You Are Two is now out in the world which is a good excuse for bringing this post on my books with Karen Klassen up to date.

We received a lovely review (and a ✭) from Kirkus Review.

A big thank you to Julie Danielson for a lovely introduction to our series of baby books with Owlkids Books, illustrated by the prodigiously talented Karen Klassen. The article is here at Kirkus reviews and there is more art from the books over at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast.

You Are One also got great write-ups from The National Reading CampaignCM Magazine, and 49th Shelf.

To celebrate the start of this series, Karen Klassen generously created portraits of the two of us in the style of the books. I was already happy to be working with Karen but now I'm really happy!

All The Wonders was good enough to debut the book trailer made by Owlkids. You can see it here and the trailer for You Are Two is here.


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